resim 557
resim 557

A pensioner illegally organizes the entry of Bosnian-Herzegovinian nursing staff into Germany. His model is exposed during border controls.

A 73-year-old pensioner from the Palatinate is said to have organized the entry of illegal nursing staff from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Germany over a period of three years using forged documents. This is reported by the “Passauer Neue Presse”. His model was only discovered during border controls in Freilassing.

As the “Passauer Neue Presse” reports, the investigators found over 80 Excel files with a total of 102 individual crimes. He is said to have earned monthly commissions of between 100 and 150 euros per case. The man now had to answer for 29 cases before the district court in Laufen and was sentenced to a two-year suspended sentence. In addition, a fine of 5,000 euros was imposed on the 73-year-old – and almost 16,000 euros from the defendant were confiscated.

The pensioner, who continued to work illegally even after initial police interrogations, apparently also placed several advertisements in local newspapers in order to place the nursing staff. The investigators from the Freilassing Federal Police are assuming a “very high number of unreported cases”, reports the “Passauer Neue Presse”.

In addition, the man gave the nursing staff precise instructions about what they had to say when entering the country, also taking into account the corona-related entry regulations.

According to the defendant, the personal motivation for this criminal business model was to care for his own mother. The defendant created fake invitation letters and used official letterheads, changed stamps and copied letters.

“I wanted to help, I didn’t want to earn money,” the “Passauer Neue Presse” quoted the pensioner as saying. Despite his professional forgeries, his model was exposed during checks on the A94 near Töging and at the Freilassing Saalbrücke border crossing.

The defendant’s lawyer tried to explain his client’s actions: “He sees the misery of the women there and the nursing shortage in Germany.” The pensioner himself expressed remorse: “As a do-gooder, I made a big mistake.”

The nursing shortage in Germany is already having an impact on the way we work and what is available in nursing. A survey by the Evangelical Association for Geriatric Care among providers from various providers showed that around 72 percent of nursing homes were no longer able to provide all services – according to the survey, 89 percent of outpatient services cannot accept new customers.

According to the “Nursing Emergency Germany” report, there is currently a shortage of over 159,000 nursing staff in Germany alone. This is based on calculations by the University of Bremen and forecasts by the German Economic Institute. Forecasts even predict an additional staff requirement of around 300,000 positions by 2030 in order to meet the growing demand.

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