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The Irish woman R. Ní Leannáin actually just wanted to fly on holiday, but the security check was anything but relaxing. She was asked to remove her breast prosthesis.

An Irish holidaymaker was asked to remove her breast prosthesis at the airport. According to the BBC, the woman who had her breast removed following a mastectomy experienced the insolent demand. 

R. Ní Leannáin, originally from Belfast and now living near Dublin, was on her way to Donegal when she triggered the alarm on a security scanner. Prostheses would be displayed separately on this.

Ní Leannáin apparently had the opportunity to explain her situation or to be briefly searched at other airports, but this was not the case at Dublin Airport. “The security guard didn’t even offer to pat me down, she just stood there waiting for the prosthesis to be removed,” Ní Leannáin said, according to the BBC. The situation shocked her.

Ní Leannáin is now campaigning for airport protocols for people in her situation to be clearly and publicly set out. “I want this information material to be available on airline and airport websites,” she told the BBC. 

Dublin Airport has since publicly apologized and pledged to take action to avoid similar situations in the future. A spokesman told the BBC: “All passengers can request a private inspection in such situations, which will then be carried out by a trained member of staff.” 

“Unfortunately” this did not happen. “We apologize to the passenger and can assure her that we have taken measures to avoid a similar situation in the future,” a spokesman told the BBC.

A prank at another airport security checkpoint recently resulted in a missed vacation. One woman reported that her boyfriend went through security with a dildo in his pants, forcing them to stay for additional screening and miss their flight.

A video has been circulating on social media for days now, causing horror. It shows young people on Sylt chanting xenophobic slogans during a party. It is now clear who the people in the clip are.

A man buys a run-down house in Italy for one euro. The renovation costs him less than a parking space in London.