resim 608
resim 608

A Viennese man invents a robbery because of financial problems. Now the 29-year-old is facing charges. 

In Vienna, a 29-year-old man is said to have faked a robbery due to financial difficulties. As reported by “”, the young Austrian is said to have tried to convince the police that he was threatened with a knife by two unknown men at an ATM and that 50,000 euros had been stolen from him. 

The incident is said to have occurred in early May. 

There was a second survey of the 29-year-old in mid-May, as “” also reported. During the questioning, the respondent initially repeated his statements until he finally had to give in due to details that did not match. “He then stated that he had invented the robbery out of financial difficulties,” said Vienna police spokeswoman Barbara Gass on Tuesday (May 28).

Despite his financial difficulties and his confession, the young man now has to face the consequences. “He is being reported to the criminal police on suspicion of faking an act that could be punished and for giving false evidence,” Gass explained, according to “”.

Faking a crime is also a punishable offense in Germany and must be reported. As “” explains, this act “can generally be punished with a fine or a prison sentence of up to 3 years in accordance with Section 145d of the Criminal Code”. In certain cases, however, a higher punishment – ​​namely a “prison sentence of between 3 months and 5 years” – is also possible. .

A passenger was actually the victim of a crime while on board a plane. Because the man was robbed during the flight. Another crime was prevented. 

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