resim 653
resim 653

The summer in Mallorca could be uncomfortable. Activists want to shut down Palma airport.

There is unrest on the holiday island of Mallorca. Activists recently marched through the streets of Palma to demonstrate against mass tourism. Now activists from the platform “Menys turisme, més vida” (“Less tourism, more life”) are planning a protest at Palma airport against mass tourism on Mallorca.

The movement compares the planned action to the “Tsunami Democràtic” and wants to bring together more than 3,000 people to protest, as the Spanish news source “elnacional” reports.

The initiative began a week ago when more than 300 people gathered in Sineu to discuss the problem of mass tourism and the economic model behind it. An estimated 10,000 people took part in the demonstration that followed, but according to the organizers, the actual number of participants was much higher.

The Balearic government condemned the action. “This proposal has no place in the society in which we live today, it is an action that is currently classified as a crime,” elnacional quoted the Conseller of Tourism, Jaume Bauzà. Other MPs called for the platform “Menys turisme, més vida” to be closely monitored.

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