resim 657
resim 657

A baby drowns in a swimming pool in Mallorca. The tragic accident occurs while the grandmother is looking after the child.

A baby of around one year old drowned in a pool on Mallorca on Tuesday. Despite their quick intervention, the rescue workers could only confirm the child’s death, reported the “Mallorca newspaper”. The tragic incident is said to have occurred when the baby’s grandmother was inattentive for a moment. The baby was entrusted to the grandmother when the parents unexpectedly had to go to the hospital.

The grandmother lost sight of the child in an unobserved moment. When she noticed that the child had disappeared, she started searching the house in the Son Espanyolet district of Palma. “She found the baby floating in the water,” the “Mallorca newspaper” quoted the police as saying. Horrified, she pulled the child out of the pool and called the emergency services. But it was already too late. The child could no longer be saved.

According to “Mallorcamagazin”, an emergency doctor who was called tried in vain to resuscitate the injured baby. The National Police have begun an investigation.

A pool is extremely dangerous for small children, warns the “Family Handbook”. They can drown quickly and silently. They usually go under without screaming or struggling.

Because of their disproportionately large heads, small children in particular lose their balance easily. If they fall headfirst into the water, this triggers a kind of shock reaction, the glottis in the throat closes and breathing is no longer possible.

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