resim 667
resim 667

Unusual passenger: A black and white cat travelled through Berlin by bus. Now it is waiting to be picked up at the police headquarters.

A young cat travelled through Berlin on a bus on Wednesday afternoon. Police took the black and white animal to the station, as officials announced in Berlin on Wednesday. The cat was reportedly travelling on the M27 bus.

“Where she got on or where she was going is not known,” wrote the police on Platform X. And continued: “She is not microchipped.” The owners can pick up the animal from the police station.

In the Erzgebirge district, around 1,000 Ukrainian refugees are urgently looking for accommodation. A letter from the district administration office is asking them to vacate their current apartments by mid-June.

The number of failures in driving tests has reached a new record high. A driving instructor now reveals why he thinks this is the case.