resim 722
resim 722

A man in the USA had his driver’s license revoked. Nevertheless, he logged into the court via Zoom from his moving car.

In a courtroom in Ann Arbor, Michigan, a man with a suspended driver’s license caused amusement. As FOX 13 reports, the man took part in a court hearing via Zoom – from his moving car.

As can be seen in the court footage, the presiding judge, Cedric Simpson, was astonished when the defendant, Corey Harris, apparently dialed into the hearing from the driver’s seat using his cell phone camera. “Mr. Harris, are you driving?” Judge Simpson asked the defendant. “In fact, I’m driving to see my doctor,” Harris replied.

A defense attorney representing Harris then asked the judge for an adjournment for “possibly up to four weeks, if the court would permit.”

Simpson then appeared confused. “Okay, maybe I’m not understanding something. This is a case of driving while license suspended, and he was driving without a license,” he replied. The court revoked Harris’s bail and he was ordered to report to the local county jail until the evening.

The danger posed by distraction by mobile devices while driving should not be underestimated. According to WDR, experts estimate that distraction by mobile phones is the cause of around a third of all accidents and one in ten road accidents involving injuries. The number of unreported cases is thought to be significantly higher, as many violations are difficult for the authorities to prove.

Distraction as a cause of accidents is not yet explicitly recorded in the statistics. Cell phones are only analyzed in exceptional cases, for example in serious accidents where no obvious cause can be identified.

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