Organ donations save lives. On Organ Donation Day, we thank donors and at the same time draw attention to the still too low number of people with an organ donor card.

For years, attempts have been made to encourage more people to donate organs. Most recently, Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) made an attempt to get the problem of the lack of donors under control with his organ donation register. But there is also positive news to report on the subject of organ donation: even though too few people still have an organ donor card, the number of donors has increased in recent years. These donors are thanked on Organ Donation Day.

World Organ Donation Day, also known as Organ Donation Day, is celebrated every year on the first Saturday in June. In 2024, it will fall on June 1st. This day is a global celebration to raise awareness of how important organ donations are for saving lives. At the same time, the day is also intended to express gratitude to organ donors who are already registered.

Organ Donation Day takes place in many cities and communities throughout Germany. On this day, information events, activities and campaigns are held in many places with the aim of informing the public about the importance of organ donations and promoting the willingness to donate organs.

Freiburg shows that even such a serious topic can be cheerful. This is where the probably biggest event of the day takes place, with guests such as Sabine Dittmar, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Health, in attendance. In addition to the celebrity visit, there are also activities such as a teddy bear hospital and face painting for children, which give the whole thing the character of an ordinary celebration. After all, organ donation should be seen as a reason for joy.

Overall, the cost of surgically removing and reinserting an organ can quickly exceed the 100,000 euro mark. However, organ donation is free of charge for the donor. The costs of removing and transplanting an organ are covered by health insurance companies in Germany.

However, it is important to fill out an organ donor card in which you document your willingness to donate organs. Without this, medical staff will not be allowed to remove organs in an emergency. The card is also free and can be requested from various institutions or printed out online.