
Rishi Sunak’s Lawn Bowls Mishap Sparks Controversy

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently made headlines when he visited a bowls club in Market Bosworth, Leicestershire, and attempted to play the sport. While his enthusiasm was evident, his technique left much to be desired.

During the game, Mr. Sunak was seen hurling the bowl from the hip, causing potential damage to the carefully manicured green. This reckless behavior not only affects the delivery of the bowl but also risks the integrity of the playing surface, which costs thousands of pounds to maintain annually.

Despite his lack of skill, Mr. Sunak showed his competitive side and even took a selfie during the game. While his eagerness to try something new is commendable, his approach to the sport raised concerns among experienced players.

Bowls England, the governing body of the sport, encouraged the Prime Minister to take up bowls after the election campaign, but there has been no response so far. The incident has sparked a debate among the bowling community, with many expressing their disappointment in Mr. Sunak’s handling of the game.

As the sport of lawn bowls strives to attract a younger audience and shed its outdated image, high-profile incidents like this may hinder its progress. Only time will tell if Mr. Sunak will take up the sport seriously and make amends for his initial missteps on the green.