
General Election Jobs Now Available at Leicester City Council

Leicester City Council has recently posted a number of election jobs on their website following the announcement of a new general election by Rishi Sunak. These positions are crucial for ensuring a smooth and secure voting process on Thursday, July 4. The roles range from poll clerks to presiding officers, each playing a vital part in upholding the democratic process.

The positions available include Poll Clerk, Evening Poll Clerk, Presiding Officer, Postal Vote Collection Team, Opening of Postal Votes, Unused Ballot Papers Team, and Verification and Counting of Ballot Papers. These roles come with specific responsibilities and time commitments to ensure the integrity of the election.

Poll Clerk responsibilities include assisting voters at polling stations, checking voter IDs, and issuing ballot papers. Evening Poll Clerks work during later hours of the day, while Presiding Officers oversee the entire voting process at the polling station. Postal Vote Collection Team members collect postal votes from various locations, and Opening of Postal Votes staff ensure the completeness of documentation.

Unused Ballot Papers Team members check and parcel up unused ballot papers, while Verification and Counting of Ballot Papers staff play a critical role in ensuring the accuracy of the vote count. These positions require attention to detail and a commitment to upholding the democratic process.

If you are interested in applying for these election jobs, visit the Leicester City Council website and search for “jobs.” Applications close on Tuesday, June 4. Get involved in shaping the future of your community by participating in the democratic process.