
Zelenskyy Secures More Air Defence Missiles from Spain

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has successfully negotiated for additional air defence missiles and military support from Spain in a bilateral security agreement signed in Madrid. This agreement includes multimillion-euro contracts for the Spanish defence industry. The support from Spain comes at a critical time for Ukraine, as Zelenskyy emphasizes the urgent need to combat the 3000 bombs that Russia launches monthly at his country.

The security agreement allocates €1 billion of military aid to Ukraine in 2024, with an additional €5 billion by 2027. Alongside air defence missiles, the package also includes Leopard tanks and artillery ammunition. Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez expressed the importance of standing against Russia’s ongoing aggression, stating that increased support is necessary now more than ever.

Despite the recent cross-border offensive in the Kharkiv region by Moscow, Zelenskyy remains determined to strengthen Ukraine’s defence capabilities. He highlighted the urgent requirement for seven US-made Patriot air defence systems to protect against Russian attacks on civilian areas, military targets, and power grids. Zelenskyy emphasized that with modern Patriot systems, Russian aircraft would be unable to drop glide bombs on populated areas and military installations.

Glide bombs, used by Russian forces, are heavy Soviet-era bombs equipped with precision guidance systems. These bombs, weighing over a ton each, have devastating effects, as exemplified by the recent attack on a Kharkiv shopping mall that resulted in 18 casualties and five missing individuals. The Patriot missile system, first deployed in the 1980s, is known for its effectiveness in targeting aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles at various ranges.

While European countries have been hesitant to provide Patriot systems to Ukraine, fearing their own future needs, Zelenskyy’s efforts to secure additional air defence support are crucial in defending Ukraine against ongoing threats. The collaboration with Spain marks a significant step in enhancing Ukraine’s military capabilities and safeguarding the nation’s security in the face of escalating tensions with Russia.