(Quebec) Faced with the inaction of the federal government, blinded by its “ideological drift,” PQ leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon is asking the Legault government to investigate foreign influence in Quebec with the support of anti-corruption police forces. In an independent Quebec, he would ask Quebecers to be loyal, he added.

“I give [Public Security Minister François Bonnardel] all the latitude to seek out the information, but I want to know in Quebec what the status of this interference is. Quebec’s interest is at stake, we cannot rely on the federal government because of the ideological drift that I just talked about, which means that there is obvious voluntary blindness,” said Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon, Tuesday, at a press briefing.

He was reacting to the tabling of the federal report on foreign interference, which reveals that elected officials would help states to interfere in Canadian politics.

The PQ leader believes that the Legault government must take this issue seriously and intervene.

As for “ideological drifts,” he believes that “Trudeauism” makes Canada vulnerable to “military-authoritarian regimes” that want to influence the country’s politics.

“For Justin Trudeau, the celebration of national identities coming from foreign nations is more imploring than the Canadian nation […] He defines himself as a postnational. […] But what do all the national states that are not democracies and see these vulnerabilities do? They finance, they corrupt, they infiltrate our democracy and we end up with elected officials who work against our national interests for foreign nations,” he said.

Foreign interference is therefore in his opinion a “consequence of an ideological drift of community identity so much that we come to be more loyal to foreign states than to our own society”.

“It creates an environment of non-integration. We will loyally serve other nations before our own society. It’s poisonous,” he said.

Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon added that “in an independent Quebec,” Quebecers will feel “full-fledged Quebecers.”

“In an independent Quebec, we will take these questions seriously, we will ask all Quebecers to be loyal to our society, and we will stop minimizing the risks,” he said.