On Tuesday, the Hamburg police released moving words in a video on their TikTok channel about the death of Mannheim police officer Rouven L. After numerous hate comments, the social media department had to react and found clear words.

On the Hamburg police’s TikTok channel, the approximately 90,000 followers are informed about operations and moving events, including the death of an officer in Mannheim who was stabbed in the neck and head by a man last Friday and later succumbed to his serious injuries. However, the reaction to the video was apparently very different to what the social media department’s employees had imagined.

In addition to many expressions of condolence, there were also cynical comments: “He died because his colleagues were incompetent,” “What are you even paid for?” and “When you see how many police officers stood around the perpetrator and did nothing – you lose faith in the police.”

Now the Hamburg police have pulled the emergency brake and turned off the messaging function because they could hardly keep up with the volume of comments, they say. In a new video, which is around two minutes long, clear words are also addressed to the writers.

The new video begins with the words: “TikTok, we need to talk.” Some of the followers’ hate posts are shown. Then an officer in the clip makes a moving statement: “He was killed while working for us. And you don’t trust us anymore?” She continues: “We have all been dealing with the images of the crime, the screams and all the emotions every day since last Friday. And one of them will be missed forever. Rouven deserves our respect for his commitment and courage.”

The 29-year-old police officer was stabbed in the neck and head by an Afghan (25) during an anti-Islam rally on the market square in Mannheim on Friday. He succumbed to his injuries in hospital on Monday.

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The original of this article “Hamburg police react drastically after hate comments under video of Rouven L.” comes from Mopo.