An agreement in principle was finally reached between Quebec and the union which represents 27,000 civil servants, members of the SFPQ.
The large independent union was one of the few in the public and parapublic sectors to still have failed to reach an agreement with the Quebec government to renew its collective agreement.
The agreement in principle was reached during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday.
The draft agreement will be submitted on Friday to an intermediate body, the negotiating council. If it obtains approval, it will be submitted to members so that they can decide “as quickly as possible,” the SFPQ indicated on Wednesday.
The Quebec Public and Parapublic Service Union represents some 27,000 civil servants in various ministries, as well as in government organizations such as the Société de l’assurance-automobile du Québec (SAAQ), the Equity Standards Commission, of occupational health and safety (CNESST) and the Régie de l’assurance- santé du Québec (RAMQ).