When football fans celebrate, they like to do so in droves. They drive around in cars, wave the German flag, honk, blow their horns, and rejoice. But did you know that car parades are actually not allowed? Strictly speaking, this is an administrative offence.

Paragraph 30 of the Road Traffic Act states that unnecessary driving back and forth by car and unnecessary noise are prohibited. These are both points that apply to a motorcade.

You could even face fines of 80 to 100 euros if you make too much noise with your vehicle or if you disturb third parties by driving around.

But the good news is that football fans don’t have to do without the motorcade. Although the law theoretically puts a stop to this tradition, in practice it is usually the case that law enforcement officers turn a blind eye to major events such as the World Cup or the European Championship and tolerate motorcades. However, they are not obliged to do so.

It is important, of course, that you do not endanger yourself or others. This means that even after you have won a game, the 0.5 per mille limit applies if you are the driver. Red lights must not be driven through and sufficient distance must be maintained from the vehicle in front to avoid accidents.