Shocking moment in Texas: During a drive-thru safari, a giraffe suddenly grabs a toddler from the car.

During a visit to a drive-thru safari in Texas, a toddler was picked up by a giraffe, the Sun reports. While the incident was filmed by the child’s mother, other visitors helped to get the child safely back into the car.

The video shows the girl looking out the window and holding out a piece of carrot to the giraffe. Although the carrot was only sticking out of the window about 40 cm, the animal took the opportunity to grab the child by the jacket with its long neck and tongue and pull her up. Fortunately, the mother and other visitors were able to rescue the child from the situation quickly and unharmed.

As the Sun quotes the mother, she wanted to capture the moment when her daughter Kyra interacted with the giraffe. She had not realized the danger posed by the giraffe and was shocked when she saw the giraffe lift her daughter into the air. “When I turned around, she was already gone,” the shocked mother recalled on “Good Morning America”. “It was just a shock, the adrenaline kicked in, my heart almost stopped.”

The family visited San Antonio’s Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch in Texas, a popular safari park typically known for its peaceful and safe wildlife viewing.

Scientists have just put forward a new theory that says that giraffes’ long necks are due to the evolutionary needs of females.

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