A World War II bomb was found on the grounds of Frankfurt Airport. The area was cordoned off over a large area. This now also has consequences for air traffic and the motorway.

Due to a bomb disposal operation, air traffic at Frankfurt Airport will be restricted and a motorway closed on Friday evening. As a spokesman for the airport operator Fraport told the German Press Agency, two of the four runways cannot be used temporarily. This could lead to delays and delays in operations, said the spokesman.

The exact time of the explosion and thus the duration of the closure have not yet been determined. Fraport mentioned a possible time corridor between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. Passengers should allow sufficient time for their journey and check the flight status in advance on the airlines’ websites.

A bomb was found on Friday during construction work around the new Terminal 3. According to police, it was a phosphorus bomb. Incendiary bombs containing white phosphorus were used on a large scale in World War II.

The bomb is to be detonated in a controlled manner this evening. According to the police, Autobahn 5, which runs past the airport, will also have to be closed for this purpose. According to the police, it has not yet been decided when and for how long. The police want to inform the population at least half an hour before the closure begins – also via Platform X.

An exclusion zone has been set up within a radius of around 1,000 metres around the site. The bomb disposal service is on site.

The third passenger terminal in Frankfurt will open in 2026. Around four billion euros will be invested in this. Up to 19 million passengers can be processed annually in the new T3.