SPD member of the Bundestag Karamba Diaby has published a death threat against him on his Instagram profile. “I will not be intimidated. I will defend myself,” he wrote. That is why he decided to “publish the last of the many threats and racist hate messages against me.” Diaby’s employees are also threatened in the letter. Several media outlets had previously reported on it.

In the post, Diaby complains that the tone around politicians has become harsher. “For me, the level of hate and incitement has reached a new level. I now encounter it every day in the news and commentaries, but also in the German Bundestag.”

The MP criticized the right-wing populists. “The hatred that the AfD sows every day with its misanthropic narratives is reflected in concrete psychological and physical violence! This endangers the cohesion of our society.” Especially since his employees are now also named and threatened in the letters.

The sender, whose name has been obscured, threatened to “fatten him up” for a hunt, reports the “Bild” newspaper, among others. He is being held responsible for the “discoloration” of the German population. It is also claimed that the sender had already stood behind him once and could have stabbed him. “But we won’t do that because we want to have fun with your suffering,” the sender continued.

Diaby’s constituency office in Halle has already been the target of attacks several times; in May 2023, for example, a door was set on fire. The politician, who was born in Senegal, is active in the Bundestag, among other things, on the Foreign Affairs Committee.