
Morgan Freeman AI Deepfakes: A Hollywood Disruption Unveiled at Conference

At the Produced By conference, Lori McCreary, CEO of Revelations Entertainment, expressed concerns about the potential misuse of AI in the film industry, particularly in replicating Morgan Freeman’s voice. With the rise of deepfake technology, McCreary highlighted the need for industry professionals to stay ahead of the game and develop tools to distinguish real content from AI-generated fakes.

During the panel discussion, Renard T. Jenkins, President of I2A2 Technologies, Labs & Studios, proposed a solution involving digital watermarks to combat deepfakes. He emphasized the importance of collaboration between major studios to create an infrastructure for tracking content authenticity from creation to distribution.

Ghaith Mahmood, a partner at law firm Latham & Watkins, pointed out the legal implications of deepfake technology, citing the recent passing of the Elvis Act in Tennessee. This legislation prohibits the unauthorized use of a person’s voice or likeness through AI simulation, underscoring the need for stricter regulations in the realm of deepfakes.

As the film industry grapples with the challenges posed by AI manipulation, industry experts like McCreary and Jenkins are advocating for proactive measures to safeguard against the proliferation of deepfake content. The evolving landscape of technology calls for a collective effort to protect the integrity of creative works and uphold ethical standards in the digital age.