
Canada Defeats United States in Nations League

The Canadian men’s volleyball team put in a solid effort on Saturday to defeat the United States in four sets in the Nations League in Ottawa. Already qualified for the Olympics, the Canadian players won 25-16, 19-25, 26-24, and 28-26. This victory brings their record to 2-1 since the start of the second round of the Nations League. Earlier in the week, they beat Cuba in four sets, but fell to Argentina in four sets as well. Their next match is scheduled for Sunday against Serbia.

In front of 7000 spectators, Canada outperformed the United States with 56-49 in attacks and 8-5 in aces. Each team committed 29 direct faults. Ontario’s Stephen Maar led the Canadians with 24 points, while Pearson Eshenko contributed 10. On the American side, Thomas Jaeschke stood out with 17 points.

“We are doing well. We won,” expressed Canada’s coach Tuomas Sammelvuo. “We served and passed much better than in our last match. Our defense was effective against a very challenging offense.”

Captain Nicholas Hoag echoed the sentiments of his coach, stating, “Today’s match was won in service and reception… We put a lot of pressure on the Americans. When they stick to their game plan, they are one of the best offensive teams in the world. Yet, we managed to keep them away from the net.”

The focus now shifts to the upcoming match against Serbia, with both coach and captain emphasizing the importance of staying mature and focused. The atmosphere in the arena was also noted as a positive factor, with strong support from the crowd propelling the Canadian team to victory.

Stay tuned for more updates on the Nations League volleyball action in Ottawa, as well as the latest developments in Canadian women’s volleyball and the thriving Quebecois volleyball scene.