
IEEFA Report: Challenges Ahead for Australia’s LNG Industry

New findings from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) reveal that Australia’s LNG sector is on the brink of facing significant challenges, with a potential decline in exports and profitability as global market dynamics transform.

According to analysts, the global LNG market is expected to experience an oversupply in the coming years, fueled by investments in new production capacities by low-cost producers. As a result, traditional major buyers of Australian LNG are either reducing their consumption or shifting away from LNG altogether. IEEFA’s latest report, titled “The Future of Australian LNG,” examines the impact of these changes on Australian producers and exporters, painting a picture of diminishing competitiveness and demand slowdown.

Lead Analyst Joshua Runciman highlighted the impending surge in global LNG supply, driven by investments from countries like Qatar. This influx of inexpensive LNG could pose a challenge for Australia’s industry, which has higher production costs. Additionally, established markets like Japan and South Korea are diversifying their energy sources, leaving emerging markets as the primary drivers of future demand, albeit with uncertain growth projections.

Looking ahead to the 2030s, Australia faces the expiration of long-term sale agreements that underpin a significant portion of its LNG exports. Securing contract extensions will become increasingly competitive, potentially forcing Australian producers to navigate oversupplied spot markets alongside competitors like Qatar. Energy Finance Analyst Kevin Morrison emphasized the likelihood of declining spot prices due to oversupply, which could impact returns for Australian LNG producers.

Given these obstacles and the significant capital investments required, the prospect of new LNG projects reaching final investment decisions appears bleak. Existing projects may also face cost pressures, while domestic supply constraints and societal expectations may divert gas resources from exports to the local market. Consequently, Australia’s export volumes are expected to diminish in the near future, potentially leading to the premature decommissioning of infrastructure and financial setbacks for investors.

In conclusion, Runciman stressed the need for Australia to explore new export opportunities where it can leverage its strengths. With a challenging road ahead, the country must adapt to the changing LNG landscape to secure its position in the global market.

Joshua Runciman is a Lead Analyst at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), specializing in the Australian gas sector. With a background in energy economics, Runciman has authored numerous reports on the evolving landscape of LNG markets and their implications for Australia. He holds a degree in Economics and has been a key voice in the discussion surrounding the future of the country’s energy industry.