
Revolutionary Device in Development to Detect and Treat Brain Cancer

Researchers at the University of Windsor are currently working on a groundbreaking project to develop a device that can both detect and treat brain cancer. Lead researcher Simon Rondeau-Gagné explained that the team aims to create degradable electronic sensors that can be implanted into the brains of patients with brain cancer.

According to Rondeau-Gagné, the sensor is made of different materials and is installed on a special plastic containing drugs. Once implanted in the brain, the sensor will be able to detect molecules associated with brain cancer, triggering the release of drugs from the plastic to treat the cancer.

The research team, which includes UWindsor professor John Trant and a group from the University of Victoria, plans to test the device using 3D bio-printed brain models with cancer cells. This innovative approach has received a $250,000 grant from the Tri-Agency New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) exploration program.

Rondeau-Gagné emphasized that this technology represents a significant advancement in brain cancer management, offering a more efficient and less invasive treatment option compared to existing implants. The combination of drug delivery and sensor technology allows for real-time detection, treatment, and monitoring of cancer progression.

This project holds great promise for improving outcomes for patients with brain cancer, providing a new tool for both treatment and monitoring of the disease. The development of this device could potentially revolutionize the field of brain cancer management, offering a more effective and personalized approach to treatment.