(Ottawa) A federal Conservative government led by Pierre Poilievre would not invest “one cent of federal money” in a tramway project in Quebec.

This is what the Conservative leader said in a publication on the social network

According to him, the Liberals and the Bloc are “obsessed” with this fight against motorists. At the same time, he accused both parties of ignoring people from the suburbs and regions.

“Common sense Conservatives will continue to respect Quebec motorists by supporting a third link for cars,” he wrote.

In its 15.5 billion “CITÉ Plan,” unveiled Wednesday, the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec recommended a tram project, a rapid bus system and reserved lanes to improve mobility in the Quebec region.

The Caisse also suggests building a tunnel under the river between Quebec and Lévis, but which would only be reserved for a tram line. In his opinion, nothing justifies the construction of a third motorway link from a mobility point of view.

In the past, the federal government, led by the Liberal Party, has committed to financing part of the costs of the tram project. On the other hand, he has always refused to finance a third link motorway project.

Since the start of the week, echoes from Ottawa seem to suggest that the Liberals are still willing to foot a portion of the bill for the tram project.

“We have set aside 1.4 billion for a structuring project. It stays there, and I want this money to stay in Quebec, because there are crying needs,” said federal Transport Minister Pablo Rodriguez during a press scrum on Tuesday.

In Quebec, the Legault government must pronounce on the Caisse’s conclusions Thursday afternoon during a press conference.