The police check a car with Italian license plates at a rest stop on the A8 and find around 60 kilograms of hashish in it.

The Bavarian police have caught a big fish: Early on Sunday morning around 5 a.m., a 22-year-old Italian and a 34-year-old man with Pakistani nationality were checked by officers from the Piding border police inspection at the Piding South petrol station and rest area on the A8.

When searching the car with Italian registration, the undercover officers discovered around 60 kilograms of hashish hidden in the vehicle, the police wrote in a press release.

The two suspects were provisionally arrested at the crime scene. The Drug Crimes Department of the Traunstein Criminal Investigation Department has taken over further investigations under the direction of the Traunstein Public Prosecutor’s Office.

The public prosecutor’s office filed an arrest warrant based on the allegations. The investigating judge issued an arrest warrant for the two men, who were subsequently taken to correctional facilities.

A school principal in Wales has summarily excluded 200 pupils from class because of short skirts and make-up. Parents are outraged.

Several visitors to an Augustiner beer garden in Munich are said to have shouted “Sieg Heil” together on Tuesday evening. This was reported by the “Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR)” citing a witness. Other guests intervened and called the police.