(Brussels) NATO countries want to take measures to toughen their response after an unprecedented wave of hybrid attacks in Europe led by Russia, the Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, said on Thursday.

Defense ministers, meeting Thursday and Friday in Brussels, will discuss specific measures to address “Russia’s campaign of hostile activities against NATO Allies,” he told the press.

“We have had several examples of sabotage, arson, cyberattacks and disinformation,” he said before the start of a meeting of NATO defense ministers.

The 32 NATO countries will work on “options” to respond to these hybrid attacks, including greater intelligence sharing, strengthening the protection of critical infrastructure (energy, telecommunications, etc.) and “restrictive” measures against Russian agents, he added.

Several NATO countries have denounced the increase in these hybrid attacks.

Poland has indicated that it wants to restrict the movement of Russian diplomats on its territory after the arrest of several people suspected of sabotage on behalf of Russia.

NATO suspects Russia of wanting to spread fear, sow discord and try to undermine Allied support for Ukraine.

“Russia’s actions will not prevent us from continuing to support Ukraine,” Mr. Stoltenberg said on this point.