
Malacañang recently revealed the newest appointments in the Marcos administration, with key positions being filled in the Department of Finance and the Presidential Commission on Good Government. According to the Presidential Communications Office, Anthony Castelo has been designated as the vice chairman and chief operating officer of the Bataan Shipyard and Engineering Company, Inc. Additionally, Raymond Anthony Dilag is now a commissioner of the PCGG.

Moreover, Rogelio Quevedo has been appointed as a commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission, while Francisco Rivera has taken on the role of chairman of the Games and Amusements Board. These appointments signal the administration’s commitment to enhancing various sectors and ensuring effective governance.

It is crucial to note that these appointments come at a time when the government is focusing on economic recovery and good governance. The individuals selected for these positions bring with them a wealth of experience and expertise, which will be instrumental in driving progress and development in their respective areas of responsibility.

The appointment of Anthony Castelo as vice chairman and chief operating officer of the Bataan Shipyard and Engineering Company, Inc., is particularly significant. His leadership and strategic vision will play a vital role in advancing the company’s operations and contributing to the growth of the maritime industry.

Similarly, Raymond Anthony Dilag’s appointment as a commissioner of the PCGG underscores the government’s commitment to upholding transparency and accountability. His background in law and governance will be instrumental in overseeing the commission’s mandate to recover ill-gotten wealth amassed during the Marcos regime.

In addition, the appointments of Rogelio Quevedo and Francisco Rivera highlight the administration’s focus on regulatory oversight and ensuring compliance within the financial and entertainment sectors. Their leadership will be crucial in fostering a business-friendly environment while safeguarding the interests of stakeholders.

Overall, these latest appointments in the Marcos administration reflect a strategic approach to governance and a commitment to fostering growth and development across various sectors. As the new appointees assume their roles, they are poised to make significant contributions to the administration’s agenda and drive positive change in their respective domains.