
A father in Minnesota has been given a life sentence without parole for killing his daughter’s boyfriend. Michael Lee Laflex, 46, was convicted of first-degree premeditated murder and second-degree murder in the shooting of Bryce Brogle. In addition to his sentence, he was ordered to pay $14,596.08 in restitution and court fees.

The incident occurred when Laflex’s daughter reported her boyfriend missing to the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Office. The boyfriend was last seen with Laflex at a storage unit he had rented. Laflex initially claimed the boyfriend had been arrested by unknown law enforcement officers, but later changed his story.

Witnesses came forward with information that Laflex had threatened to kill Brogle and had already dug a hole for his body. One witness stated that Laflex believed Brogle had been abusing his daughter and had disposed of the body after shooting him at the storage unit.

When police searched the storage unit, they found blood that had been cleaned with bleach, as well as marks on the floor consistent with dragging something across it. Authorities located Brogle’s body with a gunshot wound to the back of the head in a nearby gravesite.

The autopsy confirmed the cause of death as a gunshot wound to the head. Laflex’s actions were driven by his belief that Brogle had been harming his daughter.

This tragic incident highlights the devastating consequences of domestic abuse and the lengths some individuals may go to protect their loved ones. It serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing and preventing abuse in relationships to avoid such heartbreaking outcomes.