Will the weather spoil the football game? Public viewing will be a rather rainy affair at the weekend. In Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, the weather is still not perfect for a summer fairy tale.

Saturday, June 15, 11:42 a.m.: The coming days are not going to be a summer fairytale in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. Watching European football matches outside is likely to be a damp affair. On Sunday, isolated showers are expected with a maximum temperature of 23 degrees, the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Saturday in Offenbach. In the mountains and during showers, the wind could pick up strongly.

According to the DWD, heavy cloud cover and a few showers are also forecast for Monday, with the possibility of isolated strong thunderstorms with heavy rain, especially towards the northwest. The picture for Tuesday is hardly changed: meteorologists are again expecting showers and thunderstorms with heavy rain, sometimes with hail. Temperatures could then rise to up to 28 degrees.

12.34 p.m.: On the first weekend of the European Football Championship, the weather in Germany is spoiling open-air public viewing: temperatures are expected to rise to 25 degrees in some places, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Friday. But in many places, rain, thunderstorms and wind will accompany all outdoor leisure activities. In the south and east of the country, the forecast is for a mid-summer interlude next week.

On Saturday, the highest temperatures on the thermometer will be between 17 and 23 degrees. It will rain every now and then. In the north and northeast, and occasionally in the southeast, there is also a chance of heavy thunderstorms and heavy rain. During the day, the weather will improve somewhat: there will only be isolated showers. It will be windy at times, especially in the western half and in the Alpine foothills. At night, temperatures will drop to 7 to 13 degrees.

The weather will be more pleasant in the south and east on Sunday. It will be “sunny to cloudy and dry,” according to the DWD. In the north and west, however, there will be repeated showers and thunderstorms. Maximum temperatures will be between 18 and 23 degrees, and it will be warmest in Lusatia with up to 25 degrees.

At the start of the new week, temperatures will continue to rise – and the two-part pattern will remain the same: In the south and east, temperatures of up to 28 degrees are possible with prolonged sunshine. Otherwise, the air will warm up to 19 to 25 degrees. Showers and isolated, strong thunderstorms with heavy rain are again to be expected in the north and west. “As the air mass becomes increasingly humid and muggy, the risk of severe weather increases, particularly due to heavy rain. But hail and squalls can also occur,” explained meteorologist Adrian Leyser. The heavy rain can last for several hours in some areas.

In the south and east, however, the midsummer heat could persist for a few more days and even intensify. Temperatures could reach 30 degrees.

Friday, June 14, 8:19 a.m.: With the start of the European Football Championship in Germany, it will also be a little warmer in Germany – although it may get wet here and there for the first game of the German national team. The German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach predicted thick clouds with light rain for Friday. It will most likely be pleasant in the east and south, with temperatures hovering between 18 and 23 degrees.

The reason for the slight change in the weather: On Friday, the high pressure system “Yogi” – “not to be confused with a long-standing national coach” – will say goodbye and make way for a low pressure system, as DWD meteorologist Sebastian Altnau said on Thursday. “The opening game of the European Football Championship tomorrow evening in Munich will be dry with light clouds, and the temperature at kick-off should be around 16 degrees.” In the west, however, you should pack a rain jacket for public viewing or look for a covered location.

Thursday, June 13, 2024, 7:11 a.m.: People in Saxony-Anhalt can expect changeable weather on Thursday. The sun will occasionally shine through the clouds, and there will also be isolated rain showers around midday and in the afternoon, the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Thursday. The clouds will move away towards the evening. The maximum temperature expected during the day will be 19 degrees, and temperatures will fall to as low as six degrees overnight into Friday. The night will remain rain-free.

For Friday, the DWD is expecting slightly warmer weather with a maximum temperature of 22 degrees. It will also remain mostly dry, with only isolated rain.

People in Thuringia can also expect a changeable Thursday with sunshine, clouds and sometimes a little rain. However, the showers are only expected around midday and afternoon and only sporadically, the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Thursday. The clouds will move away towards the evening. The maximum temperature expected during the day is 20 degrees, during the night into Friday the temperatures will fall to as low as five degrees and there will be a light wind.

Friday will remain mostly dry, the DWD further announced, with only isolated rain. Up to 21 degrees is expected, and the skies will temporarily clear up a little.

7:55 p.m.: Two children were buried in a landslide in Styria this afternoon. According to the Styrian fire department, a raised edge in a forest had broken off. One of the children was quickly freed, but the search for the second child took an hour. For this child, any help came too late, the fire department spokesman told the German Press Agency.

The landslide occurred around 5 p.m. in the municipality of St. Marein near Graz, as the “Kleine Zeitung” reports. The children were buried under the approximately 60 cubic meters of earth while playing. Initial suspicions suggest that the incident was caused by heavy rain that had lasted for days and soaked the earth.

Contrary to initial reports, two other children who were present were not affected. According to the “Kleine Zeitung”, the accident occurred just 50 metres from the children’s parents’ house. “We dug with our hands and shovels and gave it our all,” said the Feldbach fire brigade association. The operation was also difficult for the emergency services to cope with. According to the ORF, a mother was there with her two own children and two friends’ children. The child who died is said to be five years old.

12.10 p.m.: After more than one and a half weeks, the flood situation in Bavaria is coming to an end. “By Thursday at the latest, the last Danube water levels will leave the warning levels,” the state’s flood intelligence service (HND) announced on Wednesday. On the Altmühl and Amper, as well as on Lake Starnberg and Lake Ammersee, the lowest warning level of one is expected to be exceeded for several more days. However, since “no significant precipitation” is expected for the coming days, it can be assumed that the flood situation is coming to an end.

On Wednesday, the last Bavarian municipality, the Swabian district of Donau-Ries, also lifted the state of emergency. In many areas affected by the flood disaster, clean-up work was still underway, basements were being pumped out and damage was being assessed. The number of known fatalities in Bavaria remained at four on Wednesday, and a 22-year-old firefighter was still missing.

According to the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, around 84,000 helpers have been deployed to help with the flooding in Bavaria since the disaster began. Around 7,000 evacuations were necessary because of the flooding. According to a preliminary forecast, German insurers expect insured losses of around two billion euros from the flooding in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. The total damage caused by the floods in the Free State cannot yet be quantified.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 7:09 a.m.: On Wednesday, people in Berlin and Brandenburg can expect temperatures of up to 20 degrees Celsius and rain. There may still be some sunshine at the start of the day, but heavy cloud cover and showers are to be expected during the day, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). In the north of Brandenburg, short thunderstorms with sleet are possible. Only in the region between Elster and Oder-Spree will it remain predominantly dry. In the evening, showers are to be expected to subside in the rest of the country.

According to the DWD, the first half of Thursday night will remain slightly cloudy and dry. Rain is expected again from midnight. Temperatures will drop to as low as five degrees during the night.

Tuesday, June 11, 12:38 p.m.: In view of the further easing of the flood situation in Bavaria, the city of Passau in Lower Bavaria has lifted the state of emergency. The water levels on the Danube and Inn are slowly falling again, the city administration announced on Tuesday. The water level of the Danube is currently still at the second highest warning level, three. However, warning level two is expected to be reached as early as Wednesday. According to the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, the state of emergency on Tuesday only applied to the two Swabian districts of Günzburg and Donau-Ries.

You can read more about the current weather conditions on the following pages.