(Moscow) The peace conference on Ukraine, which brought together more than 90 countries on Saturday and Sunday in Switzerland, in the absence of Russia and China, resulted in “zero” results, the Kremlin said on Monday .

“If we talk about the results of this meeting, they are close to zero,” Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

The overwhelming majority of more than 90 countries represented at the Bürgenstock summit in Switzerland agreed on Sunday that “dialogue between all parties” and respect for Ukraine’s territorial integrity was the path to end to the Ukrainian conflict, which has lasted since the launch of the Russian offensive in February 2022.

But neither Russia nor China were represented in Switzerland and the final communiqué did not receive the support of countries such as India, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, considered close economic partners of Moscow.

According to Mr Peskov, Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, remains “always open to dialogue and serious and substantive discussions.”

For his part, Mr. Putin said last Friday that he would negotiate with Ukraine in the event of a withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from the four regions it claims and when Kyiv renounces joining NATO.

In the aftermath, his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, rejected what he said was an “ultimatum.”