Another strike is expected in the ferry sector, this time on June 29 and 30 at the ferry that connects Sorel-Tracy to Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola.

There are 70 employees, sailors and reception attendants, who will walk off the job, the Steelworkers union, affiliated with the FTQ, said on Monday.

These union members have given themselves a 10-day strike mandate to be called at the appropriate time. They will therefore have eight days of strike remaining to exercise their mandate.

This crossing will previously be affected by another strike, on June 21 and 22, this time by navigation officers and engineering officers.

These officers from Sorel-Tracy–Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola will go on strike at the same time as the officers from other routes on those days.

The Société des ferries confirmed having received a strike notice from the union which represents the certified officers of the Tadoussac–Baie-Sainte-Catherine crossing, the Matane–Baie-Comeau – Godbout crossing, and the L’Isle-aux-crossing. Coudres–Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive, the Québec-Lévis crossing and the Sorel-Tracy–Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola crossing.

“If unionized employees continue the strike, it would begin on June 21, 2024 at 6 a.m. and end on June 23, 2024 at 6 a.m. This strike will have the effect of interrupting service at the Matane, Quebec and Sorel ferries,” the STQ said by email.

“As for the Tadoussac and L’Isle-aux-Coudres crossings, essential services will be provided. For these two crossings, the Administrative Labor Tribunal will be able to determine, in the absence of an agreement between the parties, the essential services to be maintained,” adds the STQ.

Salary is the main point in dispute. Negotiations have been going on for several months with the STQ.

“The employer is dragging its feet in the negotiations and repeats that it does not have a mandate from the Treasury Board to address the monetary aspects of the employment contract. He is blackmailing concessions and does not even offer the equivalent of the increases offered to union members of the common front,” denounced Alain Gendron, of the Steelworkers union.

The STQ, for its part, deplored the use of a strike. “Thousands of Quebecers who will travel throughout Quebec during the Quebec National Day weekend will therefore be penalized. The STQ respects its employees’ right to strike, but we find it unfortunate that the employees have resorted to this means of pressure at this time, since the negotiations are continuing, as the negotiation schedule provides. We remain available to discuss with the union to find solutions that would avoid resorting to a strike until it begins. »