
Political allies, family members, and even the Easter Bunny have been seen assisting President Biden during public events, according to videos circulating on social media and news outlets. A recent incident at a campaign donor event in Los Angeles showed former President Obama guiding Biden off the stage, sparking criticism online about Biden’s cognitive state. The event, which raised $30 million for the Biden campaign, featured support from Hollywood stars like George Clooney and Julia Roberts.

This incident is just one of many where allies, aides, or family members have been seen directing or guiding Biden during public appearances. Other instances include Biden being redirected by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the G-7 summit and the first lady, Jill Biden, guiding him offstage during various events.

These incidents have raised concerns about Biden’s cognitive state, especially as videos of him appearing confused or being directed by others continue to surface. The White House has dismissed these concerns as disinformation spread by right-wing critics and emphasized that these are routine moments for any president.

Despite the growing scrutiny, Biden’s allies, including former President Obama and Jill Biden, have defended his age and cognitive abilities. Jill Biden emphasized that Biden is a healthy and wise 81-year-old who is ready to work for the American people every day.

While the debate over Biden’s cognitive state continues to be a focal point this election season, the White House and Biden’s supporters maintain that he is a capable and effective leader. However, the series of incidents where Biden has been guided or directed during public events have reignited concerns about his ability to serve as president effectively.