
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., strongly criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming congressional address, labeling him a “war criminal” and accusing him of disregarding U.S. law. Despite bipartisan support for Netanyahu’s address from House and Senate leaders, Ocasio-Cortez and other progressive Democrats, known as the “Squad,” are opposed to the visit.

Ocasio-Cortez expressed her concerns on social media, stating that Netanyahu should not be addressing Congress due to his alleged war crimes and lack of respect for U.S. laws that prohibit the use of American weapons in human rights abuses. She called for the revocation of his invitation, emphasizing that it should never have been extended in the first place.

The invitation to Netanyahu has sparked controversy within Congress, with a growing number of Democrats criticizing his handling of the conflict in Gaza following a terror attack by Hamas. The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor has announced plans to seek arrest warrants against top Israeli and Hamas officials, including Netanyahu, adding to the tensions surrounding his congressional address.

Progressive Democrats like Rep. Greg Casar from Texas have also voiced their opposition to Netanyahu’s visit, emphasizing the need for a ceasefire in Gaza instead of further military operations. Casar stated that attending Netanyahu’s speech would not be productive and may even be counterproductive at a time when efforts are being made to secure a ceasefire.

President Joe Biden’s strained relationship with Netanyahu has also come into focus, with Biden criticizing the Israeli Prime Minister’s handling of the conflict and calling for increased humanitarian aid to Gaza. The visit is scheduled for July 24, despite the opposition and concerns raised by Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic lawmakers.

In conclusion, the upcoming congressional address by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has divided Congress, with some members, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, opposing the visit due to allegations of war crimes and concerns about the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The controversy surrounding Netanyahu’s address reflects broader tensions within Congress and the strained relationship between the U.S. and Israel in recent months.