
As the much-anticipated national debate between President Biden and former President Trump approaches, the expectations for Biden’s performance seem to be at an all-time low. Speculation about Biden’s mental acuity has been fueled by videos circulating on social media and a recent Wall Street Journal report. Trump has been quick to criticize Biden’s age and acuity, even calling for a drug test prior to the debate.

However, experts warn against underestimating Biden’s performance. Tevi Troy, a presidential historian and author, points out that Biden has exceeded expectations in the past, such as during the 2020 debate and his State of the Union address. Lowering expectations for Biden could backfire, as he may strategically exceed them during the debate.

The upcoming debate will be the first face-off between the GOP and Democratic frontrunners, as neither Trump nor Biden participated in party primary debates. Despite the challenges he faces, such as criticism over illegal immigration and inflation, Biden’s approval ratings have seen a slight improvement in a recent Fox News national survey.

In response to concerns about Biden’s mental acuity, the White House has dismissed videos circulating online as “cheap fakes” that are edited out of context. The president’s ability to lead and address key issues, such as tax cuts and crime rates, remains a focal point of political discourse.

Overall, the stage is set for a showdown between Biden and Trump, with low expectations for Biden potentially working to his advantage. As the debate unfolds, voters will be closely watching to see how each candidate performs and articulates their policy positions. The outcome of the debate could have a significant impact on the trajectory of the 2024 presidential election.