A 15-year-old girl stole her parents’ car. However, she was caught speeding during her joyride.

A 15-year-old girl went for a joyride in her parents’ car in Swabia. The girl told officers that she had learned to drive on YouTube, police announced on Friday.

The nighttime joyride in early May in Möttingen (Donau-Ries district) only attracted attention because the 15-year-old was caught speeding on the way. When the officers saw the photo of the woman at the wheel, they became suspicious because the car was registered to the father, a police spokeswoman said. They then began to investigate and came across the daughter.

The 15-year-old now faces criminal charges for driving without a license. Her father must answer for allowing her to drive without a license.

Lots of sun and rising temperatures are now the order of the day again. If you drive a lot, you’re probably relying heavily on the air conditioning in your car. Not without reason, as it cools significantly more and faster than leaving the windows open while driving. But you should still be careful.

A woman buys a vase for just under five euros in a second-hand shop in the USA. It turns out to be a 2,000-year-old Mayan artifact.