“I feel good, but also stressed, because I know that after elementary school, most of the people who are in my class, I will never see them again. It’s not going to be the same, secondary school. You don’t just stay in one class. »

The word that comes to mind when you think of high school: “Fitness, because you have to walk around all the time, from class to class. I hope my legs won’t hurt too much. »

“The idea of ​​losing my friends scares me. But otherwise, I still feel good, because high school will be new for me and it will teach me a lot of things. [At primary school], I really liked one teacher in particular, because she was really dynamic. Her name is Caroline. She was my 4th grade teacher. […] She made good plans. »

The word that comes to mind when you think of high school: “New. »

“I really liked the physical education classes, because they were always different sports. It allowed me to discover it. [Secondary school] will be an opportunity for me to practice my sport, soccer, to the fullest. But I’m afraid of losing some of my friends. »

The word that comes to mind when you think of high school: “Lock. It really stresses me out not being able to open it. »

“I loved going back to school […] and our outings. Last year we went on a cruise. There was a DJ. It was very cool. Currently, I’m a little stressed, because high school is a new environment. Everyone is bigger than you. There are even 16 year olds who have almost finished school. It scares me a little, because I won’t necessarily be with my friends. But I’m still looking forward to it, because I’m going to make new friends. »

The word that comes to mind when you think of high school: “Freedom and autonomy”

“What marked me in elementary school was my evolution in everything. The materials, but also physically, mentally. When I think about high school, I’m stressed, in a sense, because I won’t be around the people I’ve been with for a really long time. But I’m still a little excited to go to high school, because it’s still something really special. »

The word that comes to mind when you think of secondary school: “Autonomy, because that’s all we hear about when we talk about secondary school.”