Only a few months ago, a dog on Föhr was injured while out for a walk by a sausage bait with razor blades. Now there is a new discovery. Dog owners are worried.

Pieces of sausage prepared with razor blades have once again been discovered on the North Sea island of Föhr. A dog owner contacted the police on Sunday morning and reported the discovery, said a spokeswoman for the situation service in Flensburg.

Since the woman’s dog was apparently slightly injured when it tried to eat one of the baits, the Wyker authorities filed a complaint against an unknown person for damage to property and violation of the Animal Welfare Act.

Just last September, a holidaymaker’s dog was injured by sausage bait in Wyk. According to police, the animal had swallowed a piece of sausage and had to undergo emergency surgery. The vet found parts of a razor blade in the dog’s stomach.

Lots of sun and rising temperatures are now the order of the day again. If you drive a lot, you’ll probably rely heavily on the air conditioning in your car. Not without reason, as it cools significantly more and faster than leaving the windows open while driving. But you should still be careful.

The Erzgebirge district is throwing Ukrainians out of their housing to make room for other asylum seekers. Those affected fear for their existence and the Refugee Council has sharply criticized the approach.