The car remains to be the most popular means of transport in belgium for the work commute. This is evidenced by the international mobiliteitsrapport of hr in the company SD Worx, in Belgium, some 2,500 employees were surveyed. “Even though commuting is becoming more and more sustainable alternatives to choose from, shows that almost half of the Belgians will still have the option of using the car to get to work.”
Nearly three-quarters (72 per cent), the Belgians will submit to at least a portion of the track with the car, especially with the need to own a car (56%) or the vehicle (14 per cent). The public transport system and bike-sharing, with each of the 21 per cent in the second, and 9% on foot.
on Average, explains the Belgian designer. of 43.3-mile-per-day in order to work and travel. This is a significant increase compared to ten years ago, when it was still to 34.1 miles it was. Also, the number of pendelminuten has been in a decade-has increased dramatically. More than four in ten (43 per cent) of Belgian commuters to spend every day for at least an hour on their way to and from work, almost one-quarter (23,6 per cent) spend more than an hour and a half each day. On average, the Belgian is just about the 77 minutes on the road , a nearly 17-minute drive from more than ten years ago.
up to 30% of the Belgian commuters can experience the home-work travel as a poor use of his time. However, it would be 85 per cent of the commuters, which is more than 20 miles are not likely to work for change for the sake of home-work travel. Only 6 percent said that they would consider moving to, spend less time on the road.
One out of three Belgian employees of his home-work travel is not a good environmental footprint. In addition, half of the car is the only available option.
“so, There’s still a lot of work to be done in order for the alternatives to be better for years to come. In Brussels you will find the transport is number two in the charts, but it is also the only region to region. Also, for the multimodal transport or the combination of several modes of transport will remain limited,” said mobiliteitsexperte at SD Worx, Veerle Michiels. “Our hope is that the march was launched mobiliteitsbudget here for a change of care. Through a system of flexible reward there is already a kind of mobiliteitsbudget avant la lettre: the employees are given a budget that allows them to have their mobility needs, otherwise it can be completed. We propose an increase in the number of the combination of mobility and, therefore, we think that it is mobiliteitsbudget, it certainly will help.”