A 52-year-old woman is causing a stir with a humorous personal ad on Facebook: she is looking for “a rich pensioner aged 90 or over”. Her ad is causing controversy.

A humorous message has caused the Facebook group “The life of singles, widows and pensioners” to burst. As “tz.de” reports, a 52-year-old woman posted an unusual personal ad in the public group. She describes her dream man as wealthy, elderly, willing to marry (“without a marriage contract and good life insurance, of course”) and as the owner of a holiday home in Italy or Spain. Many users don’t seem to understand that she isn’t entirely serious.

After her ironic claims, the woman continued her serious introduction. She is divorced and lives in a caravan with her dogs, said the 52-year-old. The humorous personal ad sparked a lively discussion on Facebook. Within a few days, the post had over 200 comments and likes, as “tz.de” noted. The reactions ranged from admiration to amusement to rejection.

In the end, the woman describes the responses to her post as “both beautiful and hurtful.” Nevertheless, she left the Facebook group because the nasty comments touched her too deeply. However, she confirmed to IPPEN.MEDIA that many men had written to her privately and was hopeful: “Maybe there is someone there.”

One user used the post to draw attention to another topic. He commented on the post with the words: “You’re in the wrong place here, because pensioners and widowers are usually poor.” Unfortunately, the commenter is not entirely wrong with this objection.

A special analysis by the Federal Statistical Office at the request of Dietmar Bartsch, a politician from the Left Party, in January of this year paints a bleak picture of the financial situation of pensioners. According to the report, over 40 percent have less than 1,250 euros per month at their disposal. More than one in four has less than 1,000 euros.

Women are significantly worse off than men. One in two women does not make it above the threshold of 1,250 euros in monthly pension. This also results in a drastic gap in the average pension: men are happy with a relatively solid 1,728 euros, while women are fobbed off with 1,316 euros.

A 14-year-old girl was stabbed to death in Guben (Brandenburg). The suspect is in custody and is believed to be the girl’s stepfather.

A man attacked several people with a knife on a market square in Mannheim, including the Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger. Police officer Rouven L. died from his serious injuries. All news about the attack in the news ticker.