The Montreal police remain vigilant with the arrival of summer despite a clear decrease in armed violence events on its territory in recent years.

There is a 26% decrease in gun violence events, including firearm discharges, murders and attempted firearm murders, in 2023 compared to the previous year.

Despite this decline, the fight against armed violence remains a priority, recalled Wednesday the spokesperson for the Montreal Police Service (SPVM), Inspector David Shane. “A sudden increase in unfortunate events remains possible. This is why we will continue to make our presence felt on the ground. »

The first five months of 2024 indicate a decrease in the phenomenon, according to data mentioned at a press briefing by Chief Inspector Martin Renaud of the SPVM. From January 1 to May 31, the police recorded 37 firearms discharge events. There were also nine attempted murders and seven murders by firearm. There were 118 arrests made in connection with events involving firearms. A total of 275 firearms were found during criminal investigations or patrols. The police mainly seize handguns, which are easy for criminals to hide, indicates Chief Inspector Renaud. There are also all kinds of devices to modify them, so as to increase the firing capacity, he explained to the media.

There is a 24% decrease in incidents involving firearms this year compared to the same period in 2023.

The SPVM therefore continues to put pressure on subjects of interest directly or indirectly linked to armed violence. Two suspects in a firearm murder were recently arrested. One of them was in British Columbia. “It’s by working like this that we send the message to the criminals that we will eventually find them,” explained Inspector Shane.

“By having proactive and integrated field teams, our objective is to work on armed violence upstream and thus prevent shots from being fired in our streets and, when possible, to remove young people from the criminal environment. »

The SPVM recalled the importance of collaboration among the population in the fight against armed violence. “If you have any information, no matter how small, please do not hesitate to contact us. Every new piece of information from the public can make a difference,” concluded Mr. Shane.