It – < / P> Jean-Claude Juncker, the outgoing president of the European Commission, found that the tolerance of the French-speakers at the north sea is declining. In a recent interview with De tijd and L’echo, ” says the Native, that he will well speak German. “That’s apparently it. I find that to be outrageously stupid.”
Juncker, brings together every year a couple of days in Moscow and on. “Thirty years ago I was at the butcher’s or the baker, feel free to have something in French to order. Today, it is not allowed, so I spoke German,” he said at The Time, and the Echo. “In belgium, it would be a model for successfully living with a partner. Unfortunately, this is not the case at all. I’ve never heard of a Belgian women who is proud of his country.”
< / P>see also:
commission President Juncker staggered “drunk” between world leaders at the gala dinner for NATO
for example, If Juncker is in a good mood,” is”, no one is safe:
Juncker crosses almost the Rwandan president is in the fire
find out More about Jean-Claude Juncker, Jean-Claude Juncker, and Boris Johnson, have a Monday, a working lunch in Luxembourg, Romania, and Estonia would, however, still not overgangseurocommissaris European commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, early from the holidays for the surgery, with a pitch of Male applicants; however, Von der Leyen is asking of each one country’s men and women: who is the Belgian european Commissioner?