
President Biden’s recent post-debate interview aimed to reassure the American people of his capabilities, but it left many questioning his responses. The interview, conducted by George Stephanopoulos of ABC News, lasted 22 minutes, during which Biden seemed to downplay, deny, and dismiss various questions about his competence, cognitive test, and standing in the polls.

Despite not struggling to complete his thoughts like he did during the debate, Biden did not exude the same eloquence and confidence he once did. This raised concerns among his party members and supporters, with some even calling for him to step aside and consider alternative candidates.

During the interview, Biden tried to brush off his debate performance as a one-time mistake. This was his longest unscripted appearance since the debate, causing confusion among his allies and supporters who were unsure why he had been avoiding public appearances and relying heavily on teleprompters.

The delayed response from Biden led to increased scrutiny of his every word, with many closely analyzing his performance and demeanor. The pressure on Biden to address these concerns and doubts from his own party continues to grow, indicating a challenging road ahead for the 81-year-old president.

Overall, the interview highlighted the growing skepticism surrounding Biden’s capabilities and raised questions about his ability to lead the nation effectively. As the scrutiny intensifies, it remains to be seen how Biden will address these concerns and regain the confidence of his supporters and party members.