
President Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign strategy has hit a roadblock as the focus has shifted from questioning Donald J. Trump’s ability to be president to concerns about Biden’s own competence. The initial plan was to paint Trump as unacceptable in order to sway voters who were unsure about Biden. However, Biden’s poor performance in a recent debate has raised doubts about his own capabilities, leading to calls from some House Democrats for him to step down from the race. In order to redirect attention back to the potential dangers of a second Trump administration, Biden’s supporters believe he must first break free from this negative cycle and prove to voters, including Democrats, that he is fit for the job.

Representative Eric Swalwell of California, who ran against Biden in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries, emphasized the importance of shifting the focus back to Trump and the implications of his presidency. He highlighted the trend in recent elections where candidates who became the main focus ended up losing. The Biden campaign had initially aimed to make Trump the central issue, starting with a strong speech on Trump’s attempts to undermine the previous election. However, the focus has now turned towards Biden’s own performance and capabilities, requiring a shift in strategy.

The campaign had invested significant resources in countering Trump’s influence and promoting Biden’s agenda. Even the decision to move up the first debate from September to June was intended to showcase a direct comparison between Biden and Trump, with hopes of boosting Biden’s popularity and reminding voters of the stakes in the upcoming election. A memo from Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s campaign chair, underscored the emphasis on holding Trump accountable and preparing Biden for the debate showdown.

As the campaign navigates these challenges, it is crucial for Biden to regain control of the narrative and project confidence in his ability to lead the country effectively. The upcoming debates and campaign events will be critical in reshaping public perception and steering the conversation back towards the policy differences between Biden and Trump. With the election drawing closer, Biden’s team must regroup and realign their messaging to address the concerns raised about his candidacy and refocus on the core issues that matter to voters.