
A former New York City police officer, Juan Perez, was found guilty of assault for punching a man in the face six times, breaking his nose. The incident took place while Perez and his partner were on patrol in November 2021. The victim, Borim Husenaj, was 26 years old at the time and was seen acting erratically in the Greenwich Village neighborhood, holding a liquor bottle.

According to the indictment filed last year, Perez and his partner approached Husenaj, leading to a verbal exchange. Perez pushed Husenaj against a wall and attempted to handcuff him. A scuffle ensued, and Husenaj and Perez fell to the ground, where Perez proceeded to punch Husenaj multiple times while he was defenseless on the ground.

As a result of the assault, Husenaj suffered a broken nose and other emotional and psychological injuries. Tragically, he moved to Kosovo to live with family members in January 2022 and took his own life two months later. The lawsuit filed by Husenaj’s estate against Perez and New York City claimed that the assault exacerbated Husenaj’s fear and paranoia, contributing to his suicide.

Despite Perez’s attorney claiming that his client was responding to a threat and acting in self-defense, the court found him guilty of assault. After the verdict, the victim’s family expressed gratitude for the justice served, even though Husenaj was not alive to witness it.

Perez retired from the police department last year, and the Police Benevolent Association criticized the verdict, stating that it sends a chilling message to officers who face violent attacks while on duty. The association plans to appeal the decision, arguing that Perez was only trying to protect himself in a dangerous situation.

Legal director Chris Dunn from the New York Civil Liberties Union commended the district attorney’s office for holding Perez accountable, emphasizing the importance of police officers being subject to the law like everyone else. Dunn highlighted the need for more police accountability in cases of misconduct and abuse of power.

The guilty verdict against Perez serves as a reminder of the responsibility that law enforcement officers hold in maintaining public trust and safety. It also underscores the significance of addressing instances of police misconduct to prevent further harm to individuals and communities. Public officials and advocacy groups continue to emphasize the importance of upholding accountability and justice within the police force to build trust and ensure equitable treatment for all.