
The Republican National Convention held in Milwaukee over three days aimed to portray former President Donald J. Trump in a more positive light. The party attempted to soften his image and present him as a caring and unifying figure capable of bringing Americans together during challenging times.

Throughout the convention, videos were shown depicting Mr. Trump dancing and embracing a soldier, along with speeches highlighting his transformation following an assassination attempt. Various speakers, including his family members and vice-presidential nominee Senator J.D. Vance, painted a picture of Mr. Trump as a changed man who prioritizes national unity and calm.

Despite these efforts to redefine Mr. Trump’s image, there remains a significant gap between the portrayal at the convention and the reality of his divisive and aggressive political style. Throughout his campaign, Mr. Trump has consistently promised retribution against his enemies and framed the election as a decisive battle.

While the Republican Party’s attempt to present Mr. Trump in a more favorable light may appeal to some moderates and women voters, it is uncertain whether this makeover will be convincing enough to sway those who have been put off by his previous behavior. The challenge lies in bridging the divide between the perception created at the convention and the actual persona of Donald J. Trump.

As the November election approaches, the success of the GOP’s efforts to reshape Mr. Trump’s image remains to be seen. The party’s strategy of highlighting his supposed transformation and unity message will be put to the test as voters evaluate the sincerity of this new portrayal against Mr. Trump’s past actions and statements. Only time will tell whether this rebranding will resonate with the American electorate and help secure victory for the former president.