
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently took to Instagram to urge fellow Democrats to reconsider their attempts to replace President Biden as the party’s nominee. She expressed concerns that some members of the party were underestimating Biden’s electoral strengths and moving forward without a clear plan for succession.

During her livestream, Ocasio-Cortez acknowledged that there were valid arguments for Biden to step down, but she believed that the ongoing debate was being influenced by wealthy donors and distorted by social media and anonymous leaks to the press. She emphasized the importance of fully understanding the implications of such a decision before moving forward.

Despite not explicitly endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as a replacement for Biden, Ocasio-Cortez warned that Democrats would likely face further division if Biden were to withdraw. She dismissed the idea of an open convention where multiple candidates could compete for the nomination as “crazy.”

Known for her progressive stance within the party, Ocasio-Cortez raised practical concerns about the legal challenges of replacing a nominee and criticized her colleagues for yielding to donor pressure. She also highlighted Biden’s support among labor unions and older Americans, cautioning against underestimating his political strength.

In the midst of mounting pressure for Biden to step aside and with former President Trump accepting the Republican nomination, Ocasio-Cortez’s defense of Biden underscored the unexpected role she has taken on within the party. Despite previously being skeptical of Biden, she has emerged as a vocal supporter, advocating for a more thoughtful approach to the current situation.

As the debate within the Democratic Party continues, Ocasio-Cortez’s plea for caution and deliberation serves as a reminder of the complexities involved in considering a change in leadership. While acknowledging the valid concerns raised by those calling for Biden to leave, she warns against rushing into a decision without fully understanding the potential consequences.