
Representative Nancy Pelosi of California recently had a conversation with her colleagues in the California delegation where she expressed her support for an open nomination process in the Democratic Party if President Biden were to drop out of the race. This discussion took place during one of the delegation’s weekly closed-door meetings, where members were addressing the current state of the party, with concerns about President Biden’s chances of winning and the potential impact on the upcoming elections.

According to sources familiar with the conversation, Pelosi mentioned that she does not believe President Biden could secure a victory based on polling data and shared her assessment that his continuation in the race could jeopardize the Democrats’ chances of regaining control of the House. When prompted about the scenario if President Biden were to step aside, Pelosi expressed her preference for a competitive process rather than automatically endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as the nominee.

Pelosi’s stance on supporting an open primary process is driven by her belief that a competitive selection would ultimately strengthen the Democratic nominee for the general election. She acknowledges the talent within the Democratic Party, including governors and senators from competitive states, and sees the benefit of allowing multiple candidates to compete for the nomination.

While Pelosi is known to be a friend and supporter of Vice President Harris, she believes that going through a competitive process at the convention would better position Harris for success in the general election. Her views on advocating for an open primary were initially reported by Politico, shedding light on the internal discussions within the Democratic Party regarding the upcoming presidential election.

The conversation within the California delegation reflects the ongoing deliberations and concerns within the Democratic Party about the best path forward in light of President Biden’s current standing. Pelosi’s willingness to consider alternative scenarios and support a competitive process underscores the importance of a thorough and inclusive nomination process to ensure the party selects the strongest candidate for the upcoming election.

As the Democratic Party navigates through this period of uncertainty and internal discussions, Pelosi’s position on favoring an open nomination process provides insight into the considerations and strategies being weighed by party leaders. The emphasis on competitiveness and the party’s deep bench of talent highlights the commitment to presenting a strong and united front in the upcoming election, regardless of the challenges and decisions that lie ahead.