
Toys “R” Us, the iconic toy retailer, is making a comeback in a way that combines nostalgia with cutting-edge technology. By partnering with creative agency Native Foreign and using OpenAI’s Sora, a text-to-video AI tool, Toys “R” Us has created a groundbreaking brand film that tells the origin story of founder Charles Lazarus in a unique and innovative way.

The 66-second promo takes viewers on a journey back to the 1930s, where they witness a young Charles Lazarus dreaming of transforming the toy industry. The film seamlessly transitions into a magical dreamscape filled with toys and the beloved mascot, Geoffrey the Giraffe, capturing the essence of the brand’s history and imagination.

Creating this AI-generated film was a complex process that required skilled human guidance. The team at Native Foreign had to balance historical accuracy with modern appeal to create compelling content that resonates with audiences of all ages. This attention to detail highlights the importance of human creativity in conjunction with AI technology.

The release of this AI-generated film is part of Toys “R” Us’s broader turnaround plan after filing for bankruptcy in 2018. The brand has reopened flagship stores in high-profile locations and partnered with Macy’s to open Toys “R” Us sections in every Macy’s location across the United States, demonstrating their commitment to staying relevant in the retail landscape.

While the AI-generated film has sparked mixed reactions on social media, it represents a significant milestone in the evolving landscape of content creation and brand storytelling. As AI tools become more sophisticated and widely available, we can expect to see an increase in AI-generated content across various industries, democratizing content creation but also raising important questions about the future of creative industries.

Ultimately, the success of AI-generated content like the Toys “R” Us brand film will depend on how brands balance the efficiency and innovation of AI with the human touch that resonates with audiences emotionally. Whether you embrace or have reservations about AI in marketing, this project has certainly sparked conversations and rekindled public interest in the Toys “R” Us brand.