
Did you know that humans spend around 5 years of their entire life with their eyes closed solely from blinking? This interesting fact was recently shared by Fox News Media, along with a variety of other mind-boggling facts and figures.

For example, did you know that if Antarctic glaciers were to completely melt, sea levels could rise by a staggering 190 feet? Or that it takes approximately 10 bathtubs of water to create a quarter-pound burger? These facts may seem unbelievable, but they are indeed true.

In addition, Mount Everest has the potential to grow by 10 inches within the span of a human lifetime. And believe it or not, there are more trees on Earth than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Honeybees also have an incredible work ethic, needing to visit 2 million flowers just to create one pound of honey.

The Great Wall of China is so long that it equates to more than half the Earth’s circumference, while the human population has grown at an astonishing rate. It took over a century for the population to reach two billion, but just over a decade to go from seven billion to eight billion.

Even iconic structures like the Eiffel Tower can be affected by temperature, stretching an extra 6 inches depending on the weather. And on Venus, a day actually lasts longer than a year, which is a mind-blowing concept to think about.

In this age of information, data is constantly being generated at an exponential rate. In fact, the equivalent of a quarter-million Libraries of Congress worth of data is created every single day. And if you were to lay out all the blood vessels in a human body end to end, they could circle the Earth at least twice.

These fascinating facts serve as a reminder of the incredible world we live in, full of wonder and curiosity. So the next time you blink, remember that you are spending a significant amount of time with your eyes closed, taking in all the amazing sights and experiences that life has to offer.