The solution for the ancient RAILWAY issue the new Brussels tunnel on the table
The solution for the ancient RAILWAY issue the new Brussels tunnel on the table

Brussels sint joost ten node – < / P> Spoorwegnetbeheerder its mission lays out a plan to build a second rail tunnel to tap along to the Brussels North-South connection. This is clear from the documents that are on the board of directors met, and that The Time could be read.

The New North South Link (NSL), as the project is internally called, is necessary to provide for the saturation of the Brussels and the North of the Zuidas. Due to the existing tunnel, with six of the tracks, will be officially opened in 1952, driving in the rush hour up to 88 trains per hour, less than less than less than the maximum of 96. If that bottle neck is a problem that comes up causes a huge delay. The success of the railway, and the roll-out of the Regional Express to create a capacity increase from 30 to 50 per cent is required.

finally, Infrabel, and the RAILWAY run the the subject of a feasibility study. For the 2020-2040, three areas of activity are recorded. First of all, the existing axis is a profit to be made in the tracks, and less to cross, and the trains, it is better to be divided among the different cores. Also to be able to train with the ringsporen of Brussels to use it. But, in the long term, it is considered to be a new underground link.


The NSL will need international trains, separately, the capital of the locks, so there is more room for national rail services. Its mission extends to a new tube and two sections stand out: the Brussels-South and Brussels-North, or tunnel, from the Brussels-Zuid / midi directly to the Tv, which in this case will be the first international train station.

the project is in accordance with the document, with a price tag of 2 billion euros. The work would be about a ten-year period. Its mission stresses the importance, in the newspaper, and that nothing has been decided upon, and that is to have a plan in the very long term.
More about the sncb / NMBS to the Defective train delay on the North-South connection in Brussels and the sale is for the Old, musty state-owned company” … or what the N-VA would rather today than tomorrow, as the RAILWAY privatised in a Wheelchair, complains in a letter to the ways in which the RAILWAY him to hear: “I am a traveller in the third class,” the Train has to stop for a smoke on the tracks