
A new super PAC has emerged, focusing on attacking Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a liberal aligned with Democrats. This move indicates Republican concerns that Mr. Kennedy, running as an independent, could potentially draw votes away from former President Donald J. Trump.

The group, led by prominent Republican campaign-finance lawyer Charles Gantt, is directing funds towards Republican operatives, financing paid advertisements and mail campaigns. One such campaign praises Mr. Kennedy’s stance on abortion rights, with a piece of direct mail boldly labeling him as “Pro-choice. Progressive. Democrat.”

This strategy of targeting candidates in subtle ways to make them less appealing to their own voters has been increasingly utilized by both Republicans and Democrats in recent elections. The new super PAC, named SAG PAC, was established by Mr. Gantt, who is also associated with a pro-Trump nonprofit called Securing American Greatness.

Despite not disclosing its donors, the super PAC has already spent around $2.2 million on advertisements and mailers highlighting Mr. Kennedy’s positions on various issues. The goal appears to be to sway Republicans back to supporting Mr. Trump and to make Mr. Kennedy more appealing to Democrats, potentially reducing support for Vice President Kamala Harris, the expected Democratic nominee.

The group’s website presents itself as an anti-Kennedy super PAC, aiming to showcase “The Real Robert F. Kennedy Jr.” However, unlike typical attack ads, the messaging uses neutral language to present Mr. Kennedy’s views on taxes, climate change, and abortion rights in a way that may resonate with liberals.

Recent expenditures of approximately $360,000 on YouTube ads in Michigan and Pennsylvania further emphasize Mr. Kennedy’s stance on abortion rights. Despite efforts by both Republicans and Democrats to align Mr. Kennedy with their respective parties, Democratic operatives have been more organized in promoting him as a Trump supporter.

The emergence of this new super PAC signals a shift in strategy by Trump allies to counter the support Mr. Kennedy has garnered. As Mr. Kennedy’s fundraising efforts dwindle and his relevance in the national discourse diminishes, the political landscape remains uncertain.